Sina Ahmadi

Owner, The Custom Room (Working with S&S Contracting)
Class of 2023

Learn about your peers and with whom you work best. Everyone in the program is smart so look to those people you enjoy spending time with and whose skills complement yours."

My name is Sina Ahmadi, and I began the BLPT MBA program in September 2020. During my time in the program I changed jobs four times and got closer to my personal goals each time. Some of the classes in the program helped create a vision for where I wanted to go and how to get there, too, which helped me set goals and get closer to reaching them. I am self-employed now and spend my days creating the things I used to do in my spare time.

In my spare time I used to make costumes, clothes, do woodworking, welding, and try out any other creative medium. I now do that under my own business while working with a partner doing residential construction. The two can combine technical skills with learnings from the program to develop a new business, continue doing the things I love, and keep me out of an office.


What attracted you to the BLPT MBA Program at DeGroote?

The program structure allowed me to continue working while completing the program. It was also affordable, and allowed me to complete the GMAT as acceptance criteria since I did not have an undergraduate degree. McMaster also carried with it a notable reputation.


What has been the highlight of your DeGroote experience?

I have made great friendships with people that were critical in getting through the program and I with whom I will maintain personal relationships after the program has ended.


What surprised you about your experience at DeGroote?

It is not as hard as expected. The work feels relentless at times, but making time for the work is always more difficult than the work itself. If you can manage the time the work is not that difficult.


How has this program impacted your career?

If has given me the tools and confidence to participate in areas of business, like finance and accounting, where I would not have before the program. It has also given me the incentive to actively pursue self-employment. The rest of the cohort can go after the C-suite positions.


What advice do you have for someone looking to pursue their MBA while continuing to work full-time?

Set expectations for yourself and your family and understand that you will have to make some sacrifices for the duration of the program.
Build relationships with your peers early. A lot of the work is group work and you will create your own learning groups in the last year. Learn about your peers and with whom you work best. Everyone in the program is smart so look to those people you enjoy spending time with and whose skills complement yours.