Photos of BLPT ambassador

Aliki Kodopulos

Financial Services
Class of 2024

When considering other programs, I found options to be very limited if I wanted to continue working while completing an MBA. I was also really drawn to the blended online/in-person format that the BLPT Program offers. I commute two hours into Toronto for work, so I really appreciated that I wasn’t tied to an in-person classroom in the evenings.

What attracted you to the BLPT MBA Program at DeGroote?

The main thing that attracted me to DeGroote’s BLPT Program was the fact that I didn’t need to put my career on hold while pursuing my studies.

When considering other programs, I found options to be very limited if I wanted to continue working while completing an MBA. I was also really drawn to the blended online/in-person format that the BLPT Program offers. I commute two hours into Toronto for work, so I really appreciated that I wasn’t tied to an in-person classroom in the evenings.

What has been the highlight of your DeGroote experience?

The highlight is meeting so many new people from diverse backgrounds. It’s been really great getting to know people both personally and professionally.

Class discussions are always interesting, and I appreciate everyone’s unique point of view; and the networking events are a great way to connect with, and meet, new people.

What advice do you have for someone looking to pursue their MBA while continuing to work full-time?

Organization and time management is key. Working full time while pursuing an MBA (and trying to have a personal life!) is difficult.

It’s important to prioritize your time well and ensure things aren’t slipping through the cracks for your various commitments. I’ve found having check-ins with my boss helpful to keep him informed of my school schedule and adjust work expectations, so I can maintain a reasonable balance.