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Jenna Wood

Burlington, Canada
Bachelor of Management & Organizational Studies, Western University
Vice President, Human Resources, Aecon
Class of 2022

The opportunity to learn from my peers who all offered unique perspectives and diverse professional and personal experiences was invaluable. We challenged each other and supported each other, and I can confidently say I walked away from the program having gained an extensive network and some incredible friendships."

Why did you decide to pursue your MBA?

I wholeheartedly believe in the value of lifelong learning and am constantly looking for new opportunities to challenge myself both personally and professionally. With over 8 years of work experience in Human Resources under my belt, I was at the point in my life and career where I was ready to take the next step in pursuing higher education in support of my future goals. I felt that completing my MBA would allow me to develop some of the key competencies required in an executive role.  


How has this program impacted your career?

I don’t think it is as linear as saying that obtaining my MBA through this program resulted in a specific or immediate change in my career, but I do believe that overall, it accelerated my personal and professional development that in combination with other factors, supported my growth and readiness for my current role. 


What was your favourite aspect about your experience at DeGroote?

The networking, learning and friendship that came from being in a cohort-based program. The opportunity to learn from my peers who all offered unique perspectives and diverse professional and personal experiences was invaluable. We challenged each other and supported each other, and I can confidently say I walked away from the program having gained an extensive network and some incredible friendships.  


What surprised you about your experience at DeGroote?

I was pleasantly surprised by how easily I could relate my “real world” professional experiences to the program content – whether it be through a case or theory we were learning – and vice versa, where I was able to immediately apply classroom learnings to my work. 


What would you tell anyone considering taking this program?

Everyone’s circumstances are different. For me, balancing work, school and personal commitments over the three year program while also becoming a Mom was an incredibly challenging and rewarding journey that I’ll never forget. It truly took a village and I couldn’t have gotten through it without mine. I would say it is important not to underestimate the work and discipline the program will take, and the importance of having your own support network or “village”, but looking back on the other side of the journey, I can say with complete confidence that it was worth it!